Monday, February 23, 2009

What I learned in Las Vegas

My husband and I just returned from a last minute trip to Las Vegas. We were going to lose a time share week and decided to escape the cold weather. I, of course, used the time there to check out what's happening in the upper end stores.

I learned :

that I'm not skinny, rich or young enough, but then I didn't need to go to Vegas to learn that!

that the pettiskirts I've been making and selling for 40 to 50 dollars go for $191.00 in the Betsy Johnson botique, and they don't even have a very nice finish.

that I wish I'd taken a draping class along with my flat pattern classes because everything is draped.

that mixtures of fabrics are still being used a lot.

that there are STILL more ideas for using demin. One is to use the waistband of a pair of jeans for the waistband of a tu tu. It also had a chain. Can't wait to try it.

that lace is very popular and is often mixed with that mesh type sheer I bought yards of at Wal Mart.

that it seems everything has a flower trim

that the fairy and princess look doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon

that I LOVE to shop and get new ideas!

I DIDN'T learn how to make any money gambling, so will have to continue to try to make some with my sewing.

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