Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Craig's List

I LOVE Craig's list! Not only have I managed to get several good deals (more on that later) and sell some items, I really enjoy reading the postings. The typos, funny misuse of grammer and misspellings are the most fun. One person wanted a two year old teacher. I wondered what would happen when the child turned three. Many people want to sell scrapebooking supplies. I've never seen a scraped book, so would like to know more about them. I can't even count the different ways to spell armoire. Of course, I had to look up the spelling myself. I also like to read the posts from those who want to report abuse by another, those who are trying to sell the spouse's things, and those who think their junk is worth a lot of money. Many also seem to enjoy breaking the rules by putting in lots of little do dads and using caps. Oh well, it makes it more interesting for the rest of us. It seems to me that those who do best are the ones who don't overvalue their product, explain it well and include pictures. Humor seems to help too. Just recently I noticed that junque costs more than does junk and there is a big difference in what I consider vintage and antique and what others think those terms mean.
As for the deals, I found a huge supply of purse and bag fabric from Craig's list. I read that there was fabric for sale for $10.00 a box. By the time I drove away from the woman's house, I had 6 boxes of fabric and 5 large rolls of fabric which I had traded for two purses made from vintage fabric. There went my plan to cut down on my supply. I am currently in contact with two other ladies to buy some costume type fabric and a large supply of rip stop nylon. Oh, and there was the wonderful free standing oak mirror I got for $25.00 for my bazaar booth.

I suppose if I were to spend more time sewing and less time on Craig's list, I'd be better off!

Here is a picture of a diaper bag I made from the large stash of bag fabric.


  1. haha, craigslist always cracks me up too. there's always a good deal of interesting free stuff too. like "free bushes, you dig." or "free toilet", ummm... yeah, I'll be right there to pick THAT up!

  2. Don't you sometimes wonder how some of the stuff being sold was obtained too? Some of it screams "five finger discount" to me. I also wonder how many people take advantage of the formula and other food items. That would make me nervous to try that stuff,
