Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reasons to Sew

I was told once that there are only 4 good reasons to sew:

1. To get a better fit;

2. To be more creative;

3. To get better quality and

4. To save half over the cost of a ready made. With the advent of Ross and good sales at Macy's and my extra weight( which for some reason, made it easier to find clothes that fit), I found fewer and fewer reasons to sew for myself. However, I think some reasons should be added--

5. To have fun making things others will enjoy

6. To avoid cleaning house and

7. To justify buying more fabric!

Now that I am sewing for a variety of people, I find that reasons 1-3 and 5 at least are very valid. Next, I want to take time to sew more art quality clothing.


  1. they all look so cute! I can't think of a better reason than those in your photos!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to try one out for my niece! I like to sew so I don't have to clean the house...and one day I want to have kids as cute as those!
